Thursday, October 25, 2007

I have had the weirdest days!

Yesterday and today were quite weird. Yesterday I woke up like an hour before my alarm clock. I think the garbage truck woke me up,
and for some odd reason, every time the garbage truck wakes me up, I feel happy. I have no idea why that is. But I woke up happy, and didn't really go back to sleep for that whole hour - well, almost... it was like ten minutes less than hour. After math class, a friend and I (I have a friend from math class, which is nice because we work on homework together after math class) did our homework like usual. I was keeping track of the time with my new watch sitting on the table like a clock. For some odd reason, I got confused and thought it was eleven o'clock when it was really ten o'clock. So at noon, my friend and I left for our next classes. I had plenty of time because I headed for class like fifteen minutes early. I had my brand new rolly backpack and soda pop in hand and just waltzed right into the room. The teacher was already in the middle of his lecture, which I thought was strange because I was early. I was in the middle of making my way to my seat when I noticed someone else was in my seat. Not only that, but I didn't recognize her. I started looking around the room, and my first thought was that there were either new people there today, or they switched the morning and afternoon class without my knowledge! I didn't recognize anyone! Then I saw the clock... "Ah," I said, and it really sounded quite like Captain Jack Sparrow. It wasn't even eleven o'clock yet! Ha! So I walked back out and sat back down in that other room to continue working on my homework. It was actually quite embarrasing, but I tried to shake it off and continue working on my homework. Actually, I ended up being quite glad I had gone to class way early because when I got back I noticed that I had left my leather jacket on the chair! eeeeek!

Then I was just minding my own business working on my homework when some random guy came up to me and asked if he could ask me a math question! Uh... sure? I don't know if it was because he saw my math book or overheard my friend and I or what. My friend and I talk while working on homework because sometimes she gets confused, and I make careless mistakes quite often. I answered his question, and he went back to his seat. I have never had that happen to me before! Well, actually I haven't had either of those happen to me before!

Later on yesterday I went to youthgroup. But it's not as simple as it sounds. See, it was at a new place this week, one I haven't been to before. Before leaving, I looked it up on a map, but the truth about the online map I use is that the arrow points to the intersection, not the building. But I thought, "Hey, I'll find it easily! I know what intersection it's at, and I'll just look for a bunch of cars when I get there! So I hopped in my car, and drove... but couldn't find the place at all! So finally I parked the car and called Mom, who told me to call Gary, who's answering machine told me to call Mom, who told me to call Courtney, who gave the phone to Rashell, who gave the fone to Micheal, who directed me across the street from where I had parked to call Mom!

Then on the way home I couldn't find the bridge for nothing! I went all around the backroads! Wooot! Good opportunity to work on my directional orientation! I drove around for somewhere between fifteen minutes and a half an hour.

Today I got up and got all ready to go to my piano lesson. I went outside and... there was ice on all the windows! I was like "Oh, no! I'm gonna be late!!" I went in and reported the icey windows to Mom... who told me my piano lesson wasn't for another half hour, anyway! So I got the car all ready, and poured warm water on the windows, and started the car to let it warm up... and I still had fifteen minutes! So I just drove to the school. My piano teacher ended up being fifteen minutes late! Ha!

What's even funnier is that I totally forgot to bring her a check! I drove home, got a check from Mom and instructions to go shopping for eggs (I added cereal to the list because I ate the last of it this morning). I drove back to the school, delivered the check, and drove back to the store. The store has been doing a complete remodel these days, and today they are working some more on the refridgerators, including the one that holds milk, and the rack that holds the eggs. I went on a hunt for eggs and milk that took a while. I looked for the chieper prices, grabbed the chiepest milk, walked down a few aisles, grabbed some cereal, payed, and drove all the way home.... Then I remembered I had gone to get eggs, not milk! Rats! I hopped back in the car, drove back to the store, went looking for the eggs, payed, and drove back home.

Phew! What a weird set of happenings! Um, I guess that's that.

Friday, October 19, 2007

For the first time today....

  __/      :    \__

I DROVE by MYSELF to school today!!!!
Wooot! Yesterday Mom and I went waaaaaaaaaaaaay up to Astoria to have me take my test, and I passed! Then I had to take a safe driving test, and voilla! I have a license!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Woooot shopping!

Ok, so I don't shop very often. Yesterday was a TOTAL BLAST, though!!!!!! After school, Mom and I went to like six different stores just shopping! I had birthday money from stuff we returned and really wanted to pick the right things. We ended up going to Micheals craft, Target, Old Navy, Ross, Fred Meyer, and Walmart! Talk about FUN!!! I thought it was so funny how the stores sold totally different styles of clothing. I got a totally sweet jacket, shoes, purse, and headband! I'm like so exited!

Our kitchen has had a complete makeover! Thursday Mom and I set to work. We painted the whole kitchen a really pretty blue! And we had lots of stuff on top of the cupboards, but now there's fewer things and it's a lot prettier! It was hard work, though, and isn't done yet. It's a multi-day project, you know! Dad's working on finishing the wallpaper now. It looks great!

Today has been interesting so far... I gave the kittens a bath to try to cut down the flea population. It worked some, but not much. Hopefully we can give them some flea medicine like on Monday. I don't know. We'll see. The other large things on my list of to-do's today are homework and cleaning my room. So why am I blogging??? Ha! Back to work.....

Saturday, October 6, 2007


So now Dad IS pastor according to the legal interpretation of our church's constitution.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

OK, so not quite...

Well, I guess Dad's not quite pastor. There's going to be a vote in two weeks, and I will definitely update then.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

It is time...

I haven't posted for almost a month now. I couldn't post because the things I needed to post were too hard to post until now. Other things have been going on, too, so this post is going to be a HUGE update of many important things, yay! First of all, on Sunday the 16th of September, Patteron DeBack died. She had been sick the few days before. On Sunday I came home from church and found her stiff and cold. Sunday was very, very hard for me. I carved her name on a block of wood and put it by her grave. That weekend we went camping (I'll give the details in the next paragraph or something). We left Silver and all the babies, since they could get out of their box by then, in my bedroom with the door shut. We put a huge bowl of water and a huge bowl of food in her room. When I finally returned on Sunday afternoon/evening I found that Silver had not touched her food or water at all and was stiff and lethargic. I tried to get her to eat, but she would absolutely not eat. Mom finally saw how bad she was, and we rushed her over to Judy's house. (Judy is a friend of ours who's a vet technician) She said that Silver was extremely dehydrated and rushed Silver and I to the clinic where she and I drew blood and poked an IV in Silver. That night she spent the night with me so I could monitor her IV. It would beep every now and then in the night and I had to readjust the tube a little bit. In the morning Judy took her back to the clinic where she stayed until Friday. Meanwhile, we had 3 sick kittens to take care of at home, and my school started that Monday. Flazer seemed to be doing the best and was more active than the other two kittens. After having them all in boxes, we decided to move them to the bathtub, which is still working great! Wednesday morning when I woke up around 6 am, Mom and Dad told me Flazer was not doing well at all. Sure enough, he was dead by the time I arrived. That was very hard, too, since Pat and Flazer were pretty much my favorites. But there was no time to grieve because I had to go to school. All this time they could not get Silver to eat. By Friday, the last option was to put a feeding tube down her nose and into her stomach. However, the vet said she wasn't quite in a good enough condition to do so. She had been throwing up, and if she threw up with a feeding tube, it would come out as well. It was time to put her down. My Silver baby! That day was very hard, too. We went to the clinic to say goodbye. Judy got a piece of clay and made Silver's paw print in it. At home I wrote her name, a heart, and the dates on that piece of clay and baked it.

♥ Silver,
8/19/06 - 9/28/07

Turned out, there was absolutely nothing we could have done to save her. Her pancreas had swollen to four times the normal size and had cut off the organs around it. Her intestines in particular (gross but true) were literally dead.

Now I know why God gave me kittens that we didn't originally want to have, and why Pat and Flazer died (I'm sure their deaths prepared and brased me for Silver's). And I know that He gave us Siren and Catapultanian so we can still have a cat. We're going to keep one of them. Thank you God for all the fun we had with all these kitties, even if it was for a very short time. God also provided a distraction on our way home from the clinic. My oldest sister called just as we had left the clinic and we chatted for like an hour, which is plenty of time to get home. Angie, my other sister, knew already because Dad had told her when we borrowed her car (more about broken cars later) and had called Laura, my oldest sister, and told her about Silver. However, the timing of Laura's call, I think, was from God. It could not have been planned. I'm looking forward to seeing more clearly and seeing the reason for all this. For now, I get to take care of our two remaining kittens.

The other things that happened in the past weeks are not quite so traumatic. On our way to the camp ground (I was driving, by the way, and it kinda freaked me out) our car overheated in the stop and go traffic entering the freeway. By the time we were able to pull over, we could see the steam coming out of the hood! We sat between two merging lanes at the entrance to the freeway for what seemed like hours. We left the house at 2:30 that day, and arrived at the campground while it was getting dark! Yeah, I suppose we sat around for an hour or so. Camping was great fun, though! I hiked, sailed, kiyacked, roasted marshmallows, and had a blast! I loooooove the woods! On the way back, the same car once again broke down. However, this time I was driving Angie instead of Mom, and it didn't overheat. Actually I don't have a clue WHAT happened. All of a sudden, the gas quit working, and no pushing on the gas petal would accelerate the car whatsoever. By the time we got to a place to pull over, the engine had died, and with power steering, it was very difficult to steer. We tried to start the motor, but nothing would start. Angie and I waited around over a half an hour before Jon and Jim came to the rescue. On my arrival home, I found Silver...
Monday the next day, I started school. It's been fun at school! Yay! I got a new backpack! I'm so exited about it! Ha! I've never needed a backpack until now, so it's an accessory that I've never really had the chance to have. Well, actually, I do have another backpack, but it's Whinnie the Pooh (which I don't really have a problem with) but it's also old, the colors are not what they were originally meant to be, and the peanut I ate from the bottom of it that the previous owner (I got it at a garage sale) had left behind tasted like the backpack. It was gross! And the backpack is small. This new one rolls along like a suitcase if I want, or it can sit on my back! And it's my favorite color - Red!
Speaking of broken cars, Mom and I drove the blue van to school on Friday because nothing else would work lol! and it broke down while we were on our way to the clinic to see Silver for the last time. We ended up borrowing Angie's car. But now we have functional cars, and soon more will be functional. Yay! Can't wait to get my own broken car! Woooot!

Oh, and my birthday's this Thursday. :D