Here's something I wrote like when I was um... not sure exactly. Perhaps I was even nine years old when I wrote it, but like I said, I'm not sure.
Full as full can be
There are four types of fullnesses. The first of which is full as full can be. If you eat until your stomach says "Stop!," you are full as full as full as full can be. I just ate two bowls of cereal which makes me full as full as full can be. The next is when your dinner is something that you don't like as much. You end up not as full as full can be. Not as full as full can be is called not as full as full can be or less full as full as full can be. I am not less full as full as full can be. If I were less full as full as full can be, I would have eaten one bowl of cereal to be less full as full as full can be. The next, full as full can be only more, comes only in one circumstance; after eating Macaroni and Cheese. It is officially called fuller than full as full can be. Fuller than full as full can be comes with a price: pain. Luckily, I am not fuller than full as full can be, less full as full as full can be, or the last: empty. Empty can't be explained, especially not by full as full can be (give or take a few words), because nothing is there. That is the worst level of full as full can be (not that it is a level of full as full can be), but it is eaziest to fix: by making yourself full as full can be. Thanks for reading and happy fulling yourself!! ;-)
The End
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