Will add more pix of her as a pregnant momma, and of her babies when they're born later.
Silver, my momma baby (I've always called her baby, but now she's going to be a momma) is my kitty. Her birthday is something like August 28, though can't remember exactly. I got her for my birthday last year. Aww maaan, what a cutie! But what a yummy treat for all the fleas of the world! They seem to love her, but we don't love the fleas. I'm so exited about her new babies! They're due sometime this week, she could even have them tonight perhaps. It will be so exiting to wake up one morning and hear a bunch of mew's! Until then, her favorite hobby these days is resting. Resting, and resting, she lies around all day long! I've been feeding her kitten food to keep her babies healthy, and we aren't letting her outside lest she decide outside is the good place to have them. Man is she tiny, though! Well, besides her big tummy of course. She is five pounds WITH her babies! Imagine her weight when she doesn't have lil ones in her belly! It's easier to hold her because of her weight and size, though. And she's incredibly skinny. I read an article on the internet of how to take care of pregnant cats, and it said to let them eat as much as they want, as long as they don't get fat. HA! No chance of her getting fat! She never has been, never will be. And to make matters worse, or well to make her small size even more pronounced, She has the thinnest fur in the whole world. Now, I've seen cats that they claim are short haired though they do not look at all short haired because they're pooooofy. But my cat is short haired, and it's obvious. It's thin, silky, and flat. I've been good to her. Always have been, and always will be. Her trust is incredible! I can totally roll in a rolly chair toward her at a highish rate of speed and she won't budge or even look. And I can even swing my foot about a half inch in front of her face, and she only twitches because it tickles her whiskers! Normally when I hold her, she doesn't or didn't dig her claws into me. At this point, she sort of does occasionally, but if I ask her not to, she doesn't. She's not even scared of Dad! Well, she doesn't really want him to pick her up, which is fine since he doesn't want to hold her, but she's not scared of him or anything. What a good cat!
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